Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Assignment 2 Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

2 - Assignment Example uence on children could not meet the case to label the photograph as "obscene", as there is partial display of genital hair and the photograph was pasted in Oncore premises, where children do not go. The most imperative reason to pursue Kathys argument and to conclude that the photographs, the art work are not obscene encompasses its social rationale. The photograph had a purpose, a motive to generate civic awareness about the safe sex with an intention to avert the cases of AIDS, one of the most dreaded and incurable diseases of the present epoch. AIDS has emerged as the leading cause of death under forty in Seattle area, hence display of safety measures cannot be considered obscene, it is also in compliance with the definition of material being obscene as per Blacks Law Dictionary. The art work is aimed at homosexual community. "Community standards" involved are those of the gay community rather than city at large. However, Oncore possess clientele of such communities but awareness is equally imperative among general community as well. Kathy pin-pointed homosexuals as they are the frequent visitors at Oncore, but if the issue is related with generating awareness about the safe sex to combat AIDS, then engendering consciousness in the mass is of greater significance. Kathy has shaped her arguments in the most logical and methodological manner by integrating the facts from basic law dictionary to the Mass Media Laws and also incorporated "Contemporary community standards" to reflect on the trustworthiness of the argument. Katy has meticulously placed each and every fact in a practical and coherent manner which are enough to gain the support of readers and audience to a greater extent. Display of obscene photograph which does not abide by the rules and norms set by the "Washington State Liquor Control Board", is again a violation of rules. The photographs were rejected on the basis of "partially exposed private parts of male anatomy". The photograph could not

Sunday, October 27, 2019

History of Mathematics Teaching in the National Curriculum

History of Mathematics Teaching in the National Curriculum This research paper is to discuss about the nature and history of mathematics, how it has taken its place within the National Curriculum; the framework for teaching Mathematics in Secondary and finally investigation on a series of three lessons designed for Year 7 on Algebra. INTRODUCTION Education has made a difference in my life, the knowledge I have gained has given me the potential to explore, think and make decisions accordingly. In other words, Education is a powerful tool and plays a vital role to shape up a strong economy of a country. As a Mathematics teacher, I clearly understand my key role in imparting knowledge and skills to the younger generation to make full use of their potential. The perception of mathematics has been changed over the years. Hence, it is important to look back at the nature of mathematics, how it has taken its place within the national curriculum; how the teaching and learning of mathematics has been guided by the National Strategies Framework. LITERATURE REVIEW Nature of Mathematics Even though mathematics is one of the many subjects in schools, there is a greater pressure on pupils to succeed in Mathematics other than subjects like History, Geography; why is that so? As part of my investigation into the nature of Mathematics I referred to two sources that gave substantial evidence towards the nature of Mathematics. The Enquiry Committee: A Major Enquiry Committee was set up in 1978 to consider the teaching of Mathematics in Primary and Secondary schools. After 4 years of study and research the committee came out with a report called The Cockcroft Report. It would be very difficult perhaps impossible to live a normal life in very many parts of the world in the twentieth century without making use of mathematics of some kind. (The Cockcroft Report (1982), Mathematics counts) This fact itself for a thought is sufficient to reason out the purpose of importance given in teaching and learning mathematics in Schools. The usefulness of Mathematics can be perceived in different ways; as arithmetic skills needed to use at Home and Office, as basis for development of Science and Technology and usage of Mathematical techniques as management tool in commerce and industry. Therefore, the Enquiry Committee in their report (The Cockcroft Report) concluded that all the perceptions on usefulness of mathematics arise from the fact that mathematics provides a mean of communication which is powerful, concise and unambiguous. Hence, providing a principal reason for teaching mathematics at all stages in the curriculum. According to American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), mathematics is closely related to Science, Technology and being greatly used in real life. The association has launched a program called Project 2061 where they relate mathematics into Science and Technology. Project 2061 is an ongoing project that was launched in 1985 in America, where its main objective is to help all Americans to literate in Science, Mathematics and Technology. As part of the project, it has been clearly defined that mathematics does play an important role in developing Science and Technology in real life. Besides communication, Mathematics can be used to present information by using charts, graphs and diagrams. As what AAAS has mentioned about the Mathematical representation, manipulation and derivation of information based on a mathematical relationship formed; the enquiry committee as well does mention in its report the usage of figures and symbols in mathematics for manipulation and to deduce further information from the situation the mathematics relate to. They gave 3 scenarios; A car that has travelled for 3 hours at an average speed of 20 miles per hour; we can deduce that it has covered a distance of 60 miles. To find the cost of 20 articles each costing 3p, the area of carpet required to cover a corridor 20 metres long and 3 metres wide In the 3 scenarios, we made use of the fact that: 20 x 3 = 60; hence it provides an illustration of the fact that the same mathematical statement can arise from and represent many different situations. This fact has important consequences. Because the same mathematical statement can relate to more than one situation, results which have been obtained in solving a problem arising from one situation can often be seen to apply to a different situation. Thus this characteristic of Mathematics does show its importance in the study of science and Technology as mentioned by both the Enquiry committee and the programme Project 2061 (AAAS). History of Mathematics By looking at the history of Mathematics; it has been further proven how the development of mathematics had impact on development of Science and Technology. The 17th century saw an unprecedented explosion of mathematical and scientific ideas across Europe. Galileo, an Italian, observed the moons of Jupiter in orbit about that planet, using a telescope based on a toy imported from Holland. Tycho Brahe, a Dane, had gathered an enormous quantity of mathematical data describing the positions of the planets in the sky. His student, Johannes Kepler, a German, began to work with this data. In part because he wanted to help Kepler in his calculations, John Napier, in Scotland, was the first to investigate natural logarithms. Kepler succeeded in formulating mathematical laws of planetary motion. This explains the relationship between mathematics and science or another word, how knowledge of mathematics has been used to develop science over the years. The 19th century saw the beginning of a great deal of abstract algebra. Hermann Grassmann in Germany gave a first version of vector spaces, the British mathematician George Boole devised an algebra that soon evolved into what is now called Boolean algebra, in which the only numbers were 0 and 1 and in which, famously, 1  +  1  =  1. Boolean algebra is the starting point of mathematical logic and has important applications in computer science. Abel and Galoiss investigations into the solutions of various polynomial equations laid the groundwork for further developments of group theory, and the associated fields of abstract algebra. In the 20th century physicists and other scientists have seen group theory as the ideal way to study symmetry. The 20th century saw mathematics become a major profession. Every year, thousands of new Ph.D.s in mathematics was awarded, and jobs are available in both teaching and industry. Therefore, from the 20th Century is where importance has been given to teaching of mathematics. National Curriculum of Mathematics This further explains how the national curriculum for Mathematics has been formed in Britain. Lets look at the various views of Mathematics usage in Industry before the Enquiry Committee was set up; From 1973 to 1976 there were a large volume of complaints which seemed to be coming from employers about lack of mathematical competence on the part of some school leavers; In his speech made at Ruskin College, Oxford in October 1976, Mr James Callaghan, at that time Prime Minister, said: I am concerned on my journeys to find complaints from industry that new recruits from the schools sometimes do not have the basic tools to do the job that is required. There is concern about the standards of numeracy of school leavers. Is there not a case for a professional review of the mathematics needed by industry at different levels? To what extent are these deficiencies the result of insufficient coordination between schools and industry? Indeed how much of the criticism about basic skills and attitudes is due to industrys own shortcomings rather than to the educational system? (The Cockcroft Report (1982) In written evidence to the Parliamentary Expenditure Committee, the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) stated: Employers are becoming increasingly concerned that many school leavers, particularly those leaving at the statutory age have not acquired a minimum acceptable standard in the fundamental skills involved in reading, writing, arithmetic and communication. This shows up in the results of nearly every educational enquiry made amongst the CBI membership, and is backed up by continuing evidence from training officers in industry and further education lecturers that young people at 16+ cannot pass simple tests in mathematics and require remedial tuition before training and further education courses can be started. (The Cockcroft Report (1982) In oral evidence to the Expenditure Committee a CBI representative stated: Mathematics, I think or arithmetic, which is really the primary concern rather than mathematics themselves is the one area which is really brought up every time as a problem. It seems that industrys needs are greater in this respect than almost any other. This is the way, certainly, in which shortfall in the education of children makes itself most manifest immediately to an employer. (The Cockcroft Report (1982) Written evidence to the Expenditure Committee from the Engineering Industry Training Board (EITB) stated: The Engineering Industry Training Board, over the last two years, received from its industry increasing criticism, with supporting evidence, of the level of attainment, particularly in arithmetical skills, of school leavers offering themselves for craft and technician training In the view of the Engineering Industry Training Board the industry needs a higher level of attainment in basic mathematics among recruits than it is now getting and believes that, with closer cooperation between school and industry, children can while still at school be motivated to achieve this Mathematics is, however, not simply a question of basic manipulative skills. An understanding of the concepts is also needed and these are better taught by innovative methods, which also appear to enhance the ability to acquire planning and diagnostic skills, of great importance to craft and technician employees. The Cockcroft Report (1982) These are the examples of complaints received and the main reason for the enquiry committee to set up in 1978 to investigate complaints about low levels of numeracy among young entrants to employment and the need for improved liaison between schools and industry. Hence we could deduce that due the mathematical knowledge demand in the work force has brought mathematics an important place in the national curriculum to promote numeracy skills among the young people. Programme of Study (POS) The national curriculum through the Mathematics Programme of Study (POS) aims to develop; Successful learners where pupils should be numerate, creative and able to tackle problems with more than one approach and to solve open-ended problems. Confident Individuals Pupils are given the opportunity to express their ideas using strategies that they are familiar and secure with. Responsible citizens the emphasis on analyzing and justifying conclusions in mathematical situations helps prepare pupils for taking critical and analytical approaches to real-life situations. The framework has set out a number of key concepts that pupils need to know in order to deepen and broaden their knowledge, skills and understanding of Mathematics; Competence should be able to apply a range of mathematical techniques to assess risk, problem solving and decision making Creativity Able to combine understanding, experiences, imagination and reasoning to construct new knowledge and usage of existing mathematical knowledge to create solutions Application and Implication of Mathematics Able to understand that mathematics is used as a tool in a wide range of contexts, such as for Financial issues, Engineering, computer security and so on Critical Understanding Recognizing the limitations and scope of a model or representation. For example, mathematical skills are required to compare different methods of borrowing and paying back of money but the final decision may rely on other factors like comparing the merits of using a credit card that might offer the lowest overall costs. The framework has a set of key processes for both Key Stage 3 and 4 that are essential skills that pupils need to learn to make progress within the Subject. Representing Identify the mathematical aspects of a situation or problem, able to choose between representations to simplify a situation or problem in order to represent it mathematically, using appropriate variables, symbols, diagrams and models to select mathematical information, methods and tools to use. Analysing Use mathematical reasoning, pupils should be able to: make connections within mathematics use knowledge of related problems visualise and work with dynamic images identify and classify patterns; make and begin to justify conjectures and generalisations, considering special cases and counter-examples; explore the effects of varying values and look for invariance and covariance; take account of feedback and learn from mistakes; work logically towards results and solutions, recognising the impact of constraints and assumptions; appreciate that there are a number of different techniques that can be used to analyse a situation; reason inductively and deduce. Use appropriate mathematical procedures Pupils should be able to: make accurate mathematical diagrams, graphs and constructions on paper and on screen; calculate accurately, selecting mental methods or calculating devices  as appropriate ; manipulate numbers, algebraic expressions and equations and apply routine algorithms; use accurate notation, including correct syntax when using ICT; record methods, solutions and conclusions; estimate, approximate and check working. Interpreting and evaluating Pupils should be able to: form convincing arguments based on findings and make general statements; consider the assumptions made and the appropriateness and accuracy of results and conclusions; be aware of the strength of empirical evidence and appreciate the difference between evidence and proof ; look at data to find patterns and exceptions; relate findings to the original context, identifying whether they support or refute conjectures; engage with someone elses mathematical reasoning in the context of a problem or particular situation; consider the effectiveness of alternative strategies. Communicating and reflecting Pupils should be able to: communicate findings effectively; engage in mathematical discussion of results; consider the elegance and efficiency of alternative solutions; look for equivalence in relation to both the different approaches to the problem and different problems with similar structures; make connections between the current situation and outcomes, and situations and outcomes they have already encountered. The framework sets out an outline for teachers to follow in teaching the key concepts and key processes. The range and content for both Key stages are as follow: Key Stage 3: Number and algebra rational numbers, their properties and their different representations rules of arithmetic applied to calculations and manipulations with rational numbers applications of ratio and proportion accuracy and rounding algebra as generalised arithmetic linear equations, formulae, expressions and identities analytical, graphical and numerical methods for solving equations polynomial graphs, sequences and functions Geometry and measures properties of 2D and 3D shapes constructions, loci and bearings Pythagoras theorem transformations similarity, including the use of scale points, lines and shapes in 2D coordinate systems units, compound measures and conversions perimeters, areas, surface areas and volumes Statistics the handling data cycle presentation and analysis of grouped and ungrouped data, including time series and lines of best fit measures of central tendency and spread experimental and theoretical probabilities, including those based on equally likely outcomes.Rules of arithmetic: This includes knowledge of operations and inverse operations and how calculators use precedence. Pupils should understand that not all calculators use algebraic logic and may give different answers for calculations such as 1 + 2 X 3. Calculations and manipulations with rational numbers: This includes using mental and written methods to make sense of everyday situations such as temperature, altitude, financial statements and transactions. Ratio and proportion: This includes percentages and applying concepts of ratio and proportion to contexts such as value for money, scales, plans and maps, cooking and statistical information (eg 9 out of 10 people prefer). Accuracy and rounding: This is particularly important when using calculators and computers. Linear equations: This includes setting up equations, including inequalities and simultaneous equations. Pupils should be able to recognise equations with no solutions or an infinite number of solutions. Polynomial graphs: This includes gradient properties of parallel and perpendicular lines. Sequences and functions: This includes a range of sequences and functions based on simple rules and relationships. 2D and 3D shapes: These include circles and shapes made from cuboids. Constructions, loci and bearings: This includes constructing mathematical figures using both straight edge and compasses, and ICT. Scale: This includes making sense of plans, diagrams and construction kits. Compound measures: This includes making sense of information involving compound measures, for example fuel consumption, speed and acceleration. Surface areas and volumes: This includes 3D shapes based on prisms. The handling data cycle: This is closely linked to the mathematical key processes and consists of: specifying the problem and planning (representing) collecting data (representing and analysing) processing and presenting the data (analysing) interpreting and discussing the results (interpreting and evaluating). Presentation and analysis: This includes the use of ICT. Spread: For example, the range and inter-quartile range. Probabilities: This includes applying ideas of probability and risk to gambling, safety issues, and simulations using ICT to represent a probability experiment, such as rolling two dice and adding the scores. Key Stage 4 Number and algebra real numbers, their properties and their different representations rules of arithmetic applied to calculations and manipulations with real numbers, including standard index form and surds proportional reasoning, direct and inverse proportion, proportional change and exponential growth upper and lower bounds linear, quadratic and other expressions and equations graphs of exponential and trigonometric functions transformation of functions graphs of simple loci Geometry and measures properties and mensuration of 2D and 3D shapes circle theorems trigonometrical relationships properties and combinations of transformations 3D coordinate systems vectors in two dimensions conversions between measures and compound measures Statistics the handling data cycle presentation and analysis of large sets of grouped and ungrouped data, including box plots and histograms, lines of best fit and their interpretation measures of central tendency and spread Experimental and theoretical probabilities of single and combined events. Functional Skills in Mathematics The revised mathematics programme of study has given importance in embedding Functional Maths into teaching. Functional Mathematics requires learners to be able to use mathematics in ways where it make them effective and involve as citizens, able to operate confidently in life and to work in a wider range of contexts. The framework has divided the functional skill into two levels, where level 1 is linked to key stage 3 and level 2 to key stage 4. (Please refer to Appendix 1) The key concept of competence emphasises the need for students to be able to adapt and apply their understanding in a widening range of contexts within the classroom and beyond. This is also at the heart of functional skills. In this way functional skills are much more than a set of technical competencies in mathematics; students have to use mathematics to tackle tasks and problems. All teaching needs to be designed in a way that contributes to the development of functional skills. When planning opportunities for students to develop and understand functional skills you should consider whether you have: provided opportunities for different skills you are focusing on in representing, analysing and interpreting to be developed in combination ensured that students understand that they are learning skills that they will use and apply in a variety of contexts given students the chance to select the skills and tools (including ICT) they need for a particular task provided opportunities for students to apply these skills for real purposes and contexts beyond the classroom. For example, a year 10 project asked students to recommend to school managers a method for electing representatives for the school council. Students explored methods used in politics, including first past the post and different methods of proportional representation. They collected data about different voting methods and carried out simulations, which enabled them to produce a clear recommendation with justification. This project has the potential to be developed in conjunction with ICT, English and citizenship colleagues as it addresses wider curricular issues and also offers opportunities to develop functional skills in ICT and English as well as mathematics. The following are case studies on Functional skills taken from the National Curriculum website (; Wellacre Technology and Vocational College Objective: To help learners understand the relevance of mathematics in real life Year 9 science project and a Year 7 design and technology project. Both required pupils to solve real-world product design problems; In the year 9 science project, skiing was used as a context for developing learners understanding of pressure, mass, surface area and speed. Pupils had to work out how wide skis would need to be for individual pupils to ensure that their skis did not sink into the snow. This required pupils to rearrange formulae and calculate the surface area of their feet and pressure. For the year 7 design and technology project, pupils were given a budget and challenged to raise as much money as they could for  their partner school in Newcastle, South Africa. Pupils considered a range of products before settling on key fobs. Maximising the amount of profit was the main design criterion and pupils were encouraged to use tessellation to ensure their designs minimised waste. As part of the project they also use formulae to calculate break-even points, profit and loss. In both projects, working with real figures proved both an incentive and a challenge pupils were not able to fall back on a set of answers in a textbook. This generated discussion as pupils collaborated to check their calculations. The nature of the tasks also encouraged learners to think independently and creatively to solve problems. Opened ended mathematical Enquiries- Lancaster Girls Grammar School Objective: to develop pupils functional mathematics and problem-solving skills Introducing open-ended projects that required pupils to use mathematics to solve real-life problems Mobiles and Mathematics in year 8 and Music and Mathematics in year 10. Both projects were based around open-ended problems without a right answer. Pupils were given the broad topic areas and told to devise their own projects. Pupils were given two months to prepare, which encouraged them to make their own choices about how they would work and what they would explore. The range of investigations devised by pupils was broad. Year 8 pupils explored different tariffs, compared costs between pay as you go contracts and investigated different usage patterns of people over and under 30. In year 10 pupils were encouraged to make links between mathematics and music. Some considered what kinds of functions might be used to model sound waves. Others explored the connections between the Fibonacci sequence and the layout of a keyboard. In both projects, pupils defined their own problem, decided on the data to collect and how to collect it, gathered information from a number of sources, including their parents or other pupils, considered how to analyse their data, used and applied mathematics skills and drew conclusions. At the end of the projects, they presented their findings and evaluated how successful they had been. Staff and pupils embraced the new way of working. The head of department acknowledged that it was a considerable risk to introduce this way of teaching but it paid off. Initially, staffs were concerned about setting problems when they didnt know the answers but once the work was underway they enjoyed a different way of teaching. The projects offered opportunities to stretch pupils and encourage them to make connections between different parts of their learning. Many of the pupils were nervous about working on a project when they didnt have an indication of what type of project to make. However they soon began to enjoy the freedom of the approach. At the end of the project, a year 8 pupil reflected: This was a break from everyday work and we can use our imagination as we arent being spoon fed the information. We could decide what we wanted to do I have learnt to make decisions. There were different ways to present information on this project and this made it even more exciting. I could be creative with my choices as I didnt have to do exactly what the teacher said. ASSESSING PUPILS PROGRESS IN MATHEMATICS (APP) Finally, in my literature review, I am going to look into embedding APP guidance into teaching and learning of mathematics. Assessing Pupils Progress (APP) is a structured approach to periodic assessment, enabling teachers to: track pupils progress over a key stage or longer; use diagnostic information about pupils strengths and weaknesses to improve teaching and learning Using APP materials, teachers can make more consistent level-related judgements in National Curriculum The APP focuses on how as mathematics teacher can use AFL (Assessment for learning) strategy in lessons in order to generate evidence pupils learning. The diagram shown below tells how the APP cycle works. Review a range of evidence for periodic assessment (APP) Collect and feedback to pupils evidence of their progress during day to day teaching and learning Plan for progression from learning objectives (Secondary Framework and Planning toolkit) Make level related assessment using APP Criteria Adjust Planning, Teaching and learning by referring to Secondary Framework The focused assessment materials are on the APP assessment criteria and organised in National Curriculum levels. There is a set for each level from 4 to 8. The materials include examples of what pupils should know and able to do and some probing questions for teachers to initiate dialogue as to assist in their assessment judgement. The following is an example from the level 6 focused assessment materials. Add and subtract fractions by writing them with a common denominator, calculate fractions of quantities (fraction answers); multiply and divide an integer by a fraction Examples of what pupils should know and be able to do Probing questions Add and subtract more complex fractions such as 11 Ã¢â‚¬Å¾18 + 7 Ã¢â‚¬Å¾24, including mixed fractions. Solve problems involving fractions, e.g.: In a survey of 24 pupils, 1 Ã¢â‚¬Å¾3 liked football best, 1 Ã¢â‚¬Å¾4 liked basketball, 3 Ã¢â‚¬Å¾8 liked athletics and the rest liked swimming. How many liked swimming? Why are equivalent fractions important when adding or subtracting fractions? What strategies do you use to find a common denominator when adding or subtracting fractions? Is there only one possible common denominator? What happens if you use a different common denominator? Give pupils some examples of adding and subtracting of fractions with common mistakes in them. Ask them to talk you through the mistakes and how they would correct them. How would you justify that 4 à · 1 Ã¢â‚¬Å¾5 = 20? How would you use this to work out 4 à · 2 Ã¢â‚¬Å¾5? Do you expect the answer to be greater or less than 20? Why? Probing questions are an important tool in a lesson as it could be used to confirm pupils understanding in a particular topic or their misconceptions. Before we talked about it I always thought if the shape had three numbers you just times them. But now I know that you split the shape into rectangles and I can find the area of a rectangle. Its so easy. I understand it fully now. (Source: APP: Secondary Mathematics Guidance) That was a comment from a pupil after dialogue about understanding and using the formula for the area of a rectangle using the probing questions. KANGAROO MATHS Kangaroo Maths is the home page of Bring on the Maths where interactive activities for teachers can be purchased from Key stage 2 to A level. It has an APP page that provides supporting materials for teachers from Key stage 1 to Key stage 3. The assessment policy from the website (Appendix 5) has been rewritten to reflect the APP and to help with the on going development of APP, it has an evaluation tool (Appendix 6) where it allows teachers to self evaluate themselves in focusing, developing and establishing APP criteria with regards to pupils engagement, lesson planning and evidence gathering. Further more, to understand the assessment criteria on the A3 grid, Kangaroo maths has developed the levelopaedias that provide exemplifications and probing questions for each of the assessment criteria. DISCUSSION/FINDINGS: To add on to my findings, I am going to look into the topic Algebra and analyse how it has developed across the levels using the APP criteria (Appendix 7a) and Kangaroo maths Level Ladders( Appendix 7b). Then, based on level 5 work on Algebra, I am going to design 3 series of lesson plans with the guidance of the level ladders. The word ALGEBRA seems to be a put off to most students when unknown numbers or using formulas to real life context. It is a topic that requires accumulative understanding building on from level 2 onwards as shown below (taken from APP guidelines); Algebra Level 5 Construct, express in symbolic form and use simple formulae involving one or two operations. Level 4 Begin to use simple formulae expressed in words Level 3 Recognise a wider range of sequences Begin to understand

Friday, October 25, 2019

Cabaret :: essays research papers

Cabaret Cabaret provides for its audience an animated and a uniquely exciting dramatization of Berlin, Germany just before the Second World War. The story of many Germans living in an uncertain world is shown through just a few characters. Life is a cabaret, or so the famed song goes. After watching "Cabaret," you'll agree to an extent, but also realize how unsettling the assertion is. Taking place in the early 1930s, a portrait of life in decadent Berlin, is both uplifting and grim. Not your typical musical, it is comedic and dramatic, realistic, very tasteful, and ultimately thought provoking. An American named Cliff is traveling by train to Berlin Germany and seems to be quite weary and tired. He meets a German man named Ernst who seems to be quite pleasant and yet just a tad mysterious in his ways. By a stroke of luck Ernst offers him a good name and a place to stay. He even invites Cliff to take in the scene and enjoy himself at a Kit Kat club in the heart of Berlin. Cliff being a somewhat reserved man he is a little reluctant to accept the offerings of his new friend, but realizes he has nowhere else to go, and accepts kindly. Cliff asserts himself as being a struggling writer, along with being an English tutor. Not only struggling financially but creatively. He seems to have lived a sheltered life, even though it being quite evident that he is a well-traveled man. His goal in going to Berlin is to find some inspiration, to find something worth writing about. He is quite distraught with knowing he is stuck in a situation that isn’t getting better at all. He finds himself living in a one-room apartment in the home of Heir Schneider, who rents out a few rooms to make ends meet. As Cliff walks into the Kit Kat club he enters the world of promiscuous uninhibited dancers, and people of the like. Men approach him to dance, and women entice him with their charms. He obviously wasn’t all that accustomed to this kind of happening, but he didn’t shy away from it. The first night he lived this almost unreal experience, he met a woman. Sally was a one of a kind woman of her time, being on her own, making her own living, whether that living be on stage or with a man who suits her interest for a while.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Chico Mendes

The life of Chico Mendes. Born: December 15, 1944 Xapuri, Brazil Died: December 22, 1988 (aged 44) Xapuri, Brazil â€Å"At first I thought I was fighting to save rubber trees, then I thought I was fighting to save the Amazon rainforest. Now I realise I am fighting for humanity. † Chico was many things, he was a steward to this earth, a unionist,an enviromental activist , a father, a husband and the list carrys on. This story starts with Chico being a rubber tapper. Following his father, he was â€Å"a seringueiro†, a rubber tapper.He farmed a small clearing, but relied on the sale of rubber from several hundred native rubber trees in the rain forest itself to provide income for him and his family. Chico inherited the land and the trees from his father who had begun tapping them in the 1930s. Two long v-shaped cuts made with care in the bark of each rubber tree would produce one or two cups of the rubber. Chico also collect other natural forest products, such as fruits a nd Brazil nuts, allthough this didn't make much of a difference to his income.There was approximately 100,000 other rubber tappers living throughout the rain forest, and this is what they do as well. It is sustainable harvest which does not destroy the forest. When Chico was a young boy, him and his father would go rubber tapping together because it was one of the very few job available. At that day and age, the rubber tappers were conned out of their money by the people who bought the rubber. Becaue of the little education they all recieved, they couldn't do basic things, like reading or writing.The man that bought the rubber would lie about how much rubber he was given and the price the rubber was worth. This was changed when Chico met a man called Wilson, Wilson came to the rainforest because he was told you could get rich from rubber tapping and told Chico that if he taught him how to tap rubber than in return, Wilson would educate Chico about things like, reading, writing and m aths. A union was later formed by Wilson. Because of this union it helped the people get a better a education aswell as protecting their rights.On the first speach Wilson gave, he told everyone about how if everyone sticks together, than they are stronger than if they are apart. Wilson demonstrated this by using sticks, he snapped the one that was seperated, easily but not the bundle of many sticks. Land speculators and large cattle ranching buisnesses are more interested in the short-term profit than the lively hood of all the rubber tappers so they wanted to cut and burn the rubber trees down so they could build a road and ranches, this of course was so the rich, could become richer. The didn't care for the poor.When the union found out about the plans they fought back and organised protests and speaches, the leaders of the operations didn't appreciate this and sent Wilson (who was the leader of the union at that time) a goats head, this was a death promise. Wilson and his union d idn't back down though, this was the cause of Wilson's death, he was shot in the head. The leaders of the companies thought this would scare the union, it did. The leaders of the companies thought that this would scare the union so much that Chico would back down, but instead he did the opposite, Chico lead the union from then on.Chico Mendes and the Union fought to end this destruction of the tropical rain forest. The made many political inroads, gaining influence with the public. His main enemy was Darli Alves da Silva, a cattle rancher who had begun acquiring forest land in Acre. Darli vowed that Mendes would not live out 1988. In one protest, a man thought Chico was going to be killed by a man with a chain saw, so the man stupidly stepped infront of the chainsaw and later the man had to have his arm amputated. This made the class laugh.In many of the protest Chico told the memebers of the union to sit down and not fight back, because if they fought back, their enemies would say it was â€Å"self defence† when they harmed the inoccent union memebers. The man that was buying the forest for ranches, ambushed the union and shot a boy dead, putting 9 bullets in his body. Chico later ran for governour, his wife did not approve and she begged Chico not to draw attention to himself. Chico didn't get enough votes to become govenour and his opponent was giving away free chainsaws which made Chico lose some votes from his once loyal friends.When Chico was already a father to one child, his daughter. His wife once again became pregnant to two boys, sadly only one of his sons survived, the other passed away. When Chico went to Miami, he become more well known, which showed people about how the companies wanted to exploit the rainforest. Because Chico was becoming a threat to the companies plans, people came to negotiate what was going to happen,†For a negotiation, there needs to be a give, and a take. † Explained one of the men. â€Å"Fine, give us back or land, and take away the chainsaws. † Replied Chico as he laughed at his own joke.The men, after alot of negotiating decided that the land would be reserved for the rubber tappers and each generation off them. When the negotation was over, Darli and his family were chased of the land. Darli, obviously he was angry about this and supposedly sent Chico a death threat, once again, it came in the form of a goat's head. Chico, his wife, and two policemen assigned to guard him were playing cards at his home on December 22, 1988. Chico stepped outside for a moment and was killed by a shotgun blast to the chest from a waiting assassin.The local police claimed no clues or suspects in the case, but local and international protests forced the Brazilian government to enter the investigation. Evidence led them to the ranch of Darli da Silva. In the summer of 1989 indictments for murder were handed down to Darli da Silva, his son Darci Pereia da Silva, and Jerdeir Pereia, one of da S ilva's ranch hands. Testimony indicated that Darli ordered the murder and that Darci supervised as Jerdeir carried out the plot. There is evidence that other prominent ranchers may have been involved in the plot, and they are currently under investigation.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cannabis and Food Service Essay

Introduction I.Attention-Grabbing introduction: According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, a recent government survey shows that over 98 million Americans over the age of 12 have tried marijuana at least once in their lifetime. II.Preview of 3 Main Points: Today I am going to give you information about marijuana legalization. There are three main points to touch on. First, what is marijuana and how does it affect humans. Second, when and why did marijuana become illegal? Third and finally, I will speak about the trend of states legalizing marijuana for medical purposes. Thesis/Specific Purpose Statement: Using these three points, I am going to attempt to inform you about marijuana and the movement to legalize it. Body I.Point One: What is marijuana and how does it affect humans? A.Sub-point A: According to WebMD, marijuana, or cannabis sativa, is a naturally occurring plant that contains several psychoactive ingredients, including delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). B.Sub-point B: When THC reaches the brain, it induces relaxation and a feeling of euphoria. It also typically heightens the senses and relieves pain. Transition Now that we know what marijuana is, let’s look at when and why it became illegal in the United States. II.Point Two: When did marijuana become illegal in the United States? A. Sub-point A: According to an article published in Fortune magazine, marijuana has been utilized by human civilizations for thousands of years. It has been a part of western medicine since the early 19th century. B. Sub-point B: Starting in the early 1900’s, states began outlawing cannabis because it had become associated with violence and psychosis. C. Sub-point C: In 1937, through the Marihuana Tax Act, the federal government effectively outlawed marijuana, in spite of objections by the American Medical Association. Transition: So, we have looked at what marijuana is, as well as when it became illegal in the United States. Let’s finally look at the current trend of states legalizing marijuana for medicinal purposes. III.Point Three: More and more states are enacting legislation that legalizes medical marijuana. A. Sub-point A: According to the USA Today, when New Jersey passed medical marijuana legislation in 2010, it became the 14th state to legalize marijuana in some form. B. Sub-point B: In addition to this, there are another 14 states that are currently considering legislation that will either legalize medical marijuana or decriminalize possession of personal amounts. Conclusion A.Summary Statement / 3 main points & thesis: In review, first we looked at what marijuana is as well as its effects on the human brain, second we saw when and how marijuana was prohibited in the U.S. and third, we looked at the growing number of states that have legalized or decriminalized marijuana. B.Statement tying introduction to conclusion: With a large portion of Americans having tried marijuana, and more and more states considering legislation, it seems that the time has come for a serious debate about the legality of marijuana. Sample Outline Goal: To convince listeners that the often-criticized Campus Food Service is really quite good. Introduction I. How many times have we, as students, complained about Campus Food Service and decided to order in or go out after having previewed that day’s menu? II. By showing how the Food Service on campus keeps costs to a minimum, keeps offering a good variety, and keeps maintaining high quality standards, I am going to prove that Campus Food Service is the best meal program for students. Thesis/Specific Purpose Statement: Campus Food Service is vastly underrated. Body I.Cost is not a valid complaint. A. According Myer Tempel, an outside review company, no one is getting rich off Food Service, since proceeds are divided among utilities, labor, wages, and the cost of food. B. An informal survey shows that Campus Food is comparable in price to local restaurants. Transition: Now that we’ve talked about the cost of the food, let’s move to quality of the food itself. II.Taste is not a valid complaint. A. According to Matt Davis, the Campus Foods coordinator, and supported by Myer Tempel, all foods served are Grade A, fresh daily, and never reused under any circumstances. B. Every Friday night, Campus Foods has an â€Å"international dinner night,† taking us from Latin America to Italy to China. Transition: In addition to preferring tasty food, students also wish for a variety of foods to choose from. III.Lack of variety is not a valid complaint. A. Every day, Food Service offers three entrees and a vegetarian meal, not to mention a salad bar option, breads, soups, and a dessert bar. B. Although Food Service serves a lot of chicken and fish, Myer Tempel says this is because students have requested healthier sources of protein. Conclusion: I. Through consistent efforts to charge students a low price, maintain fresh, tasty standards, and offer a wide variety of food, Campus Food Service is a fair, affordable way for students at the university to dine. II. We are just left with one problem: now that we know all the benefits of eating at Food Service, what are we going to complain about at dinner?